Chinchilla Bald Spot

Naked chinchilla whale . If the chinchilla does not stop chewing, lively but gently move it to another place ց spray the chewing area with a spray like: B. fooey a. Chinchilla I have a bald spot on his tail, he is not behaving normally, can anyone tell me what is wrong with him?

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Spotted bald spots can be a sign of a fur bite due to a bacterial infection, stress or fungus. Treatment depends on the type of eye problem ծանր the severity of the problem. Of course, these fluffy rodents assimilate every three months.

Treatment of chinchilla eye problems.

They can chew on their fur, or chinchillas can shed on their fur as a defense mechanism. Chinchilla powder sticks to oils ային fur dirt like volcanic ash. If you see bald spots accompanied by sores, scabs or skin irritation, you may have this.

You need to disinfect the cage (bleach and boiling water work well). Sometimes, if you do not change the paper or the mulch underneath, small creatures can enter and attack the skin of your chin, causing it to bite or chew.

Spotted bald spots can be a sign of a fur bite due to a bacterial infection, stress or fungus. So if you notice a bald head, just wait for the fur to grow back, you will be fine. If the chinchilla responds to your "do not chew" warning - stop chewing, say "well done", caress it several times, complimenting it.

Many eye problems require special eye medication, but sometimes surgery may be needed.

It just happened in the last 24 hours, and so did I. Chinchilla fur may look threatening, but it is common for chinchilla fur to fall off in pieces. "Chinchilla's great purpose is to keep the chinchilla clean the way you would naturally trim its fur.

In its cool, dry environment, the chinchilla will be dumped into fine volcanic ash to stay clean.

6 Why did my chinchilla die suddenly? 5 Why is chinchilla a bald nose? Corneal ulcers are usually treated with a special eye cream by your veterinarian.

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If your chinchilla comes in contact with mold, clean it of dust until the mold is gone, otherwise the spores will spread to others. Chinchilla I have a bald spot on his tail, he is not behaving normally, can anyone tell me what is wrong with him? But when he slips, hair loss is preceded by a traumatic event.

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